It's hard to write about cheap California health insurance because let's face it...there's nothing cheap about it.
That doesn't stop people from hoping and searching for cheap health insurance on the California market. We're not sure anyone will be terribly pleased with the pricing out there but we can at least steer you in the direction of the cheapest (superlative is the best we can do) as opposed to the more unattainable "Cheap" status.
We'll also explain why these health plans make the most sense on the market now.
When you think of cheap food, fast food comes to mind and we all know you get what you pay for there.
What about health insurance?
That whole question has changed since 2014!
Learn all about Covered Ca tax credits here.
You're almost better off with no coverage.
10 years ago, the cheapest California health plans might have made us nervous.
It's amazing what a decade of double digit rate increases will do to you.
Now, the cheapest plans on the market are the most popular and generally make the most sense financially since the difference in cost offsets wholly or mostly what the difference in benefit will be IF you actually need the plan.
You have to figure in the annual premium difference when comparing these plans.
If adding $1000 to your deductible saves you $800-$1000 annually in premium, that's a smart gamble.
A guaranteed $1000 savings versus a potential (and with a low probability) $1000 in out of pocket exposure.
This would point to the Bronze plans and maybe the Silver plans (especially if you get the richer 87 and 94 versions based on income).
You can run your quote across all the plan levels here:
As consumers, we would take that offer any time.
Health insurance is really about protecting against the big bill anyway which we're reminded of more and more with each annual rate increase.
So, what are the cheap California health plans on today's market and how will Health Reform affect this calculation?
Today's cheapest health plans on the California
Currently, The Bronze plan (PPO or HMO) is the lowest priced plan on the market.
Really, you want to compare this with the next step up, the Silver Plan (on or off Exchange).
PPO plans are usually the lowest priced plans on the market.
For HMO's, it's probably going to be Kaiser but this gets away from our "benefit of cheap health plans" theory above. You can quote all these plans side by side through our Individual Family quote page.
For small group, we would concentrate on Shield's PPO Plans, Anthem's PPO plans, or Health Net's lower-end HMO plans. HMO is really specific to the age/area and you compare the various plans through our Small Group quote.
You'll be hard pressed to find cheaper
California health insurance that will actually
protect you from major or catastrophic health
bills. We're happy to walk through your
situation with you.
Related Articles:
Choosing the right health plan
Catastrophic health insurance in California
Again, there is absolutely no cost to you for our services. Call 800-320-6269 Today!