Health share comparison  -  secular or non-religious health sharing plans?

are there non-religious or secular health care sharing plans?





In fact, our favorite health sharing company is the closest.


OneShare simply requires a Statement of Beliefs for Qualification


More importantly, it's stronger than the other six in the ways that really matter.


Let's take a look at the following:



Let's get started!


You can always run your OneShare HealthShare quote and check the enrollment guidelines:



Quick overview of non-religious and religious health sharing companies


There are six major companies that have been designated as health sharing ministries:


  • Christian Health Ministries
  • Samaritan Ministries
  • Liberty HealthShares
  • OneShare HealthShare
  • Medi-Share
  • Altrua HealthShare


Of the six, OneShare HealthShare is the most flexible and closest to secular health sharing.


You can get a detail comparison of the health share plans here.


It's the closest to non-religious both in terms of the statements required and who they offer the coverage to.


Keep in mind that in order to get the exemptions of a health sharing company (such as OneShare HealthShare), there has to be some degree of religiosity.


It's literally based on a religious exemption!


Individuals who choose to enroll in a health care sharing ministry plan receive a waiver from the individual tax penalty! (came back in California for 2020)


This exemption is what translates into much lower rates to the members.


OneShare HealthShare meets these requirements with the simple Statement of Beliefs.


Though not secular, essentially it functions the same to the member.


How do they determine eligibility?


That's it!

Let's look at it.


The OneShare HealthShare Statement of Beliefs.


Here it is.


Members must agree to the following Statement of Beliefs to qualify for OneShare HealthShare:

  1. 1. We Believe in the authority of Scripture and the sanctity and dignity of every human life created by God with special meaning and purpose. II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 139:13-14
  2. 2. We Believe that every individual has the constitutional and religious right and duty to worship God in freedom. II Corinthians 3:17; U.S. Const. amend. I
  3. 3. We Believe and agree in the biblical and ethical principle of sharing with those who are less fortunate and who experience medical needs. Galatians 6:2
  4. 4. We Believe and agree that it is our responsibility to God and our fellow Members to engage in accountable, healthy living, and to avoid habits and behaviors which are harmful to the body. I Corinthians 6:19-20
  5. 5. We Believe in the power of prayer to save lives, to heal lives, and to unite our Members in common purpose and community, and we believe that prayer should be a fundamental practice of daily life. I John 5:14; Philippians 4:6-7

That's it.


On the application, you accept this statement and you can enroll.


Some of other health sharing companies are very strict.


One will even call your church to verify you are a member.


They also can cancel coverage if their specific lifestyle tenants are broken.


We don't like this.


Regardless of faith, it's a bad precedent to be able to cancel coverage for extraneous reasons.


It goes against the concept of protecting from health care expenses.


Who can enroll in OneShare HealthShare?


It's pretty open and inclusive.

  • As long as you can accept the Statement of Beliefs above, we should be fine.
  • OneShare HealthShare doesn't scrutinize your religious or lifestyle histories.
  • They don't check with a church or spy on your habits at home.


Unless it explicitly violates the statement of beliefs above, you should be fine.


OneShare HealthShare also does not decline people due to health.


This is a huge difference with some of the other health sharing companies.


We're happy to walk through any questions and you can check the eligibility through the application here:

QUOTE OneShare


Can different faiths enroll in OneShare HealthShare?




As should be!


This is one reason we really like OneShare HealthShare for the health sharing through OneShare HealthShare.


It's un-American to exclude people because they have a different belief system.


You need to agree to the 5 statements above.


This is the most flexible eligibility on the market.


Can domestic partners enroll in OneShare HealthShare?




It's not barred in the Statement of Beliefs above.


We're fine.


Can same sex partners enroll in OneShare HealthShare?



It's not barred in the Statement of Beliefs.


Same sex partners can enroll.


Review of OneShare HealthShare for closest thing to non-religious health sharing plans


So, OneShare HealthShare is the most flexible of the health sharing plans when it comes to religiosity.


They just have OneShare HealthShare's Statement of Beliefs.


As long as you accept that Statement, we're good to enroll.


  • It is not tied a specific religious belief or denomination.
  • It basically states that a person can practice their belief in their own way.


I think we can all agree to that!


Make sure to read our OneShare HealthShare review for more information on how it works, who it works best for, and important understanding of the trade-offs versus traditional insurance.


We have an entire article on Obamacare health insurance versus health sharing.  Tax credits have been expanded so it's important to re-evaluate that market HERE.


OneShare HealthShare is NOT insurance.


Find out more in article above.


You can run your OneShare HealthShare Quote here to view health sharing rates and plans


Again, there is absolutely no cost to you for our services.  Call 800-320-6269 Today!