Technically, the Giveback plan is allowed in every zip code but that doesn't mean that carriers have chosen to offer giveback plans in every county.
Sure, some counties like Los Angeles will have multiple Giveback Advantage plans but that's not the case in every county or zip code.
You can quickly check for giveback plans by zip code here:
It's free, secure, and fast.
Enter your zip code.
When you plug in your zip code, filter for "Part B Giveback".
This will show you the Giveback Advantage plans available to you in your zip code.
For example, here's a current look at Part B giveback plans available in Los Angeles at this time:
Lots of options but that makes sense for Los Angeles which is the most competitive area for Advantage plans generally.
We look at how to compare Giveback plans or check out our Giveback plan guide.
A few key guides:
Our credentials are here if you need free assistance:
Let's give you guidance so you can investigate on your own by zip code.
Most people pay Social Security a monthly premium for Part B, doctor costs.
This is either deducted from Social Security or comes via a bill.
The Giveback plans are Advantage plans that have an add-on benefit in which your Part B premium can be reduced by a certain amount.
The amount differs by plan and we'll look at this below to see how to pick the right amount for your situation.
You can't get more than what your Part B premium is. For example, if you pay $80/month and choose a plan with a $100 rebate benefit, you'll only get the $80.
There are other considerations of course on what plan to choose that are equally important which we'll cover next section.
Essentially, your Social Security will be higher by the giveback amount!
More on Medicare Advantage Part B Giveback plans explained.
But which one to pick?
Here's our Top tips for comparing Giveback plans:
Next, we need to really lean on the Star Rating which tells us how happy members are with the plan.
Remember...this is health insurance! It needs to function well on that front and the Giveback money is just a bonus.
We go deep into a walk-through of the giveback comparison.
You can quote Giveback plans by zip code here:
We looked at the tips above on how to get the best fit for your situations.
Remember that under preferences, enter:
Enrollment is super easy with our free system. Just "Add to Cart" through the quote next to the plan you want.
This system is tied directly into the carrier enrollment systems for the fastest processing.
If you're replacing another Advantage plan, that will happen automatically once approved for the new giveback plan in your zip code.
Medicare can be confusing so reach out with any questions at or by chat:
There's zero cost for our assistance and we're happy to help!